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Rental Scams, How to Identify Them.


What is a rental scam?

Rental scams are when someone attempts to steal your identity and money using a fake rental listing.

How to Identify a Rental Scam.

  1. The rental price seems too good to be true.

If the rent seems too good to be true, it probably is. Scammers prey on those who need to find a new home quickly and need a good deal. When you see a rental price you are unsure about, research similar units in the area to see what they’re going for to compare.


  1. Listing is unprofessional and full of errors.

A legitimate rental listing will include all important details about the property and be well-worded with no grammar or spelling errors.


  1. You feel pressured to lease right away.

If you are feeling pressured to lease right away without seeing the space first, that is a red flag. Legitimate landlords or leasing agents will gladly show you the space before renting.


  1. You’re being asked to provide personal information or money before viewing the property.

The most a landlord should need before providing a tour is proof of ID. They should not be asking for credit card information or social security numbers until time of application.


  1. You are asked to pay a deposit in cash or a wire transfer.

This is a sure sign of a scam. There is no way to return this money after it is given or sent.  


If you think you have come across a rental scam please save all communications you have had with the scammer and report it to your local law enforcement and the FTC.